Indie Love Atlanta 2019 Cobb Galleria Centre

I can not express how grateful I am for another successful event. Indie Love 2019 was absolutely amazing, I loved sitting back and watching the readers interact with the authors. There was one lady who was so excited, she didn’t know where or who to go to first. She was the true definition of “a kid in a candy store” and it was over BOOKS……..How Freakin Awesome Is That! It makes me proud that I took on this journey, makes me feel like I’m doing what I was called to do for Indie Authors and this community. This ain’t no fly by night event for me or oohhhh I can do that too, it’s me believing in a culture that needs and deserves to be recognized. So I thank everyone who came out and supported Indie Love and the Authors because without you there is no us.

Looking forward to planning NOLA 2020!

Indie Love

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